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Mayflower Chronicles: The Tale of Two Cultures, Kathryn Brewster Haueisen & the overshadowed 400th anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower

2020 was the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower leaving Plymouth in the UK and its perilous journey across the Atlantic. In Plymouth a host of events had been organised to mark the anniversary. Sadly, the  COVID lockdown in the UK prevented most of these taking place. Including events such as the celebration in print of… Read more »

The Not Quite Perfect Murderer and the City of Bath by Margaret Duffy

Earlier this year Margaret Duffy’s latest novel in her Patrick Gillard and Ingrid Langley mystery series was published by Severn House ( It is the 14th novel in this popular collection, but can be read as a stand-alone novel. Her novels are set around the City of Bath <>, which most readers would associate… Read more »

Weird, Wonderful and Whacky – David Castleton writing about ‘Church Curiosities’

  Lurking in corners of churches and cathedrals are hidden curiosities waiting to surprise the unsuspecting visitor. David Castleton in his Church Curiosities – Strange Objects and Bizarre Legends (Shirebooks, 2021 <> takes his reader on a guided tour of some of the most unusual, quirky and sometimes mystifying items that he has discovered. As… Read more »

Streets that breathe history – Mary Tod and Paris

Mary Tod’s latest novel Paris In Ruins will be published on March 30th 2021 (Heath Street Publishing). Set in Paris in 1870 Mary explains that her, “latest novel, Paris In Ruins, was sparked by the idea of taking a character from Lies Told In Silence back to a time when she was roughly twenty years… Read more »

What have the 1974 Revolution in Portugal and civil unrest in Zagreb in 1991 got to do with ‘Passion, Tragedy, and Revolution in the Age of Enlightenment’?

    The answer is the author Julieta Almeida Rodrigues and her debut novel Eleonora and Joseph. Her career and life have meant that she has lived, “through unique world events beginning with the ‘hot summer’ that followed the April 25, 1974 revolution in Portugal, when the country seemed ready to become the European Cuba…. Read more »

Dark Nights and Dark Stories leading to Hope and Light

In times of turbulence, change and challenge, the readership of dark and haunting stories with a Gothic edge rises. Times when writers are inspired to write stories to scare and to intensify the claustrophobia of dark winter nights and the thoughts that accompany them. One element of Gothic-style writing is that the author’s characters often… Read more »

About Myfanwy

Myfanwy is an ‘eclectic’ writer who is fascinated with experimenting with words and their potential enlightening power. She writes short stories, because they are like health food bars. They are small, satisfying and packed with intense power and energy producing ideas. They can also be fitted around the often mentally or physically draining routine of work.

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