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The Forgotten Women Writers of Tavistock a Market Town in Devon

During the 19th and early 20th century Tavistock and the surrounding area provided women writers with inspiration. Their literary legacy is very much a part of the heritage of the town.     Elizabeth Rundle – Mrs Charles Rundle (January 2nd1828 – 28th March 1896) Elizabeth was the only child of John Rundle, M.P. for Tavistock. Born… Read more »

A New Year thought for writers of crime fiction – Do crime fiction writers have a responsibility to eliminate medical inaccuracies?

It has been my privilege over the past years to lead an SSU for Medical students in Exeter and Plymouth (UK) on the theme of Medical Facts and Myths into Historical Crime Fiction. Khalid Hasssan, one of the students has kindly offered to share his thought provoking essay with the crime writing fraternity (and sisterhood)…. Read more »

Go Gothic Prize Winners

‘Go Gothic’ Writing and Film Competition Winners Congratulations to all the winners and to everyone who was inspired to enter the competition. Entries were received from places such as the USA, Greece and Poland as well as from all over the UK. More details, examples of the winning entries, and photos will follow over the… Read more »

‘A New Year’ and ‘A New Opportunity’ for Authors

Go Gothic – Tavistock’s Gothic and Steampunk Market in Tavstock’s Butchers’ Hall on Saturday October the 19th, 2019 are offering tables free of charge at the market to 5 fiction writers, whose novels contain a Gothic or Steampunk element (adult, young adult and children’s fiction) and an additional 2 tables for non-fiction authors whose works are… Read more »

For those whose lives did not have a happy ending

The Secret Soldier John sipped his free, but bitter tasting acorn coffee from the thick china cup. He’d also filled his canteen with milk for his journey. Icy gusts of wind blew the fine rain onto the Exeter St. David’s railway station platform, but he didn’t mind because the pretty girl with her fair hair… Read more »

The American Boy – Seven intriguing facts for historical fiction writers about Dartmoor Prison

The American Boy The 1812 War with America brought a ‘torrent’ of American prisoners-of-war to swell the numbers already incarcerated at Dartmoor ‘Depot’.  The first 250 arrived in 1813 and remained there until 1815. The youngest American prisoner was John Seapatch, who was twelve years old. He was born in Massachusetts and according to prison… Read more »

Time to Dance with Words

The Last Dance – Tango, Jive, Hip-Hop or Waltz? Introduction: An activity aimed at stretching your creative imagination, and to encourage you to dip your creative feet into a new pool of ideas. Instructions: Pick a type of dance that you have never tried and a short piece of music to go with it. Listen… Read more »

Creative Writing Cocktails: Shake and stir your creative inspiration

Creative Writing Cocktails: Shake and stir your creative inspiration by Myfanwy Cook is now available as a Kindle edition “This series of short and structured activities is designed for you, or your writing group, to explore different settings, prompts and ideas and for you to experiment and have fun by stirring and shaking up your… Read more »

The ‘true’ scent of Austen’s London

The ‘true’ scent of Austen’s London Did Jane know about the Albany? If so what did she think about it? These were two of the questions that popped into my mind arriving back in Piccadilly. The Albany doesn’t have a street number, but it is just known as ‘The Albany’, or ‘Albany’ (Albany Court Yard)…. Read more »

About Myfanwy

Myfanwy is an ‘eclectic’ writer who is fascinated with experimenting with words and their potential enlightening power. She writes short stories, because they are like health food bars. They are small, satisfying and packed with intense power and energy producing ideas. They can also be fitted around the often mentally or physically draining routine of work.

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